Monday, November 1, 2010

Favorite Thing of the Day! [Dos]

Hitting the New Post button made me smile.  Off we go on another adventure :)

I have to write fast to post this before it's tomorrow! Eeps!  okok

Favorite Thing of the Day: November 1st 2010.
Today was the first day at work for a new employee...a sweet heart of an elderly lady named Cleta.
She has worked in jewelery before but needs to get used to our antiquated computer system and our constantly changing sales numbers so it was my duty today to show her the ropes.  I can't remember when I've had a more enjoyable shift.

Cleta made my whole day.

She told me darling little stories about employees who used to work at our same store, told anecdotes, and looked positively adorable in her matching navy skirt suit and pearl necklace/earring set.
We went around the store doing easy odd jobs just to make her first-day-at-work butterflies go away and all the while she had the biggest smile on her face.
I can't wait to work with her again.  I'm positive she'll make the Holiday Hectics  (retail slang) pass by pleasantly.
At the end of my shift she still had a few more hours to work so I wished her a good rest-of-the-first-day and said I was looking forward to working with her again.  That's when Cleta's cuteness reached maximum limit.  She told me I was a 'comfort' to work with and she had never had a more 'charming' first day.
*dies from the cute factor and ultra-great compliments*

Thank you Cleta, for a positively pleasant work day. I'm looking forward to many more.

Post Script..
When I grow up and get cute and old I want to talk and dress like Cleta.

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